Jul 13, 2022 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Taft B
Skill Level
All Skill Levels
Kevin Axtell

2 Club Swinging has a rich history in the IJA. With prominent Club Swingers such as Alan Jacobs, Sky King, and Michael Menes sharing the artform at IJA events and beyond. Through recent years, club swinging has evolved in the circus and flow arts communities while still maintaining many of its fundamental patterns. This workshop will take us through traditional techniques – Modern Techniques – and post Modern techniques that are being utilized in the Club Spinning world. This workshop is well developed, informative and fun. For all levels.

You just need 2 clubs to participate – no skill level prerequisites

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Paypal: kjuggle@gmail.com

Venmo: @Kevin-Axtell