Jul 14, 2022 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Grand Ballroom B

“What would it look like to juggle in space?” The question grew from a curiosity into a life-consuming project that required building novel rigging equipment, designing a new technique for filming weightless movement arts on Earth, exploring new mathematical concepts, full embodied immersion in an art form, and resulted in abstraction to life on rotating space habitats.

This session will be a presentation on the development of the work and findings of Space Juggling.  You will see an unreleased behind-the-scenes short film about the development process. You will learn how practice and theory were vital contributors to its development. You will see how lessons matured in a barn germinated into a unique understanding of life in rotating space habitats.

The work won 1st place in the Individuals IJA Championship Competition in 2021, was awarded the “FA’s Choice” award during the Circus International Film Festival, and is currently a finalist in the Raw Science Film Festival.