Jul 15, 2022 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Taft A
Skill Level
All Skill Levels
Jay Gilligan

This workshop will present a bunch of different ways that 3 jugglers can work together to create new juggling tricks. There will be several categories of ideas that we will try and together you can make fun, simple, and creative juggling patterns very quickly.

For each group of 3 people please bring a minimum total of 5 balls, 3 clubs, and 3 rings. Feel free to bring more/other props in case there is time to expand on the tricks you make.

Any skill level is welcome. Bring 2 friends along who have a similar skill level as yourself. Anyone who attends and needs 2 friends will be paired together into trios, usually this works out very well so don’t be afraid to show up alone!

Jay Gilligan.