
Over the past few years, the IJA has taken steps to highlight more flow artists by producing a show dedicated to the “flow” side of manipulation. This show will dazzle you with insight into unique props and skills that these artists showcase.


Kaylie Kreatrix


Dustin Hubel

Mik Phil

Ariana Verona


Amy Wieliczka

Fox Valley Fire


Paramount Theatre

A stunning, spectacularly beautiful historic live performance theatre, recently restored to its original 1920’s glory. The beauty of the Paramount brought tears to the eyes of many an IJA performers in 2017, and it is only more breathtaking today as it enters its second century as the home of the performing arts in Cedar Rapids. No theater in America could be a more awe-inspiring venue for a week of juggling joy and thrills for the 75th Annual IJA festival.

The Paramount will be our venue for four nights of world-class juggling and variety shows and IJA Championships that are the unforgettable highlights of every IJA festival.